
2021 Shift Calendars

ACOA provides these annual shift calendars for Officers' reference. If you have any questions or suggestions about how we can make these calendars better or if you would like to request a calendar, please contact us. Statewide Straight Days/Nights

December 14th, 2020|Categories: Shift Calendars|

2020 Polar Plunge

When November 10, 2020 – January 21, 2021 Where Online Click Here to Join the DOC Team   For more information please give the office a call at (907) 646-2262 or send us an email at office@acoa.us. Thank you!  

November 9th, 2020|Categories: Polar Plunge, Volunteer Opportunity|

2020 ACOA Scholarship Winner Announcement

The Alaska Correctional Officers Association (ACOA) Scholarship program is intended to help ACOA Members with the cost of their dependent children’s education. In 2020 ACOA awarded three $500 scholarships to dependent children of ACOA Members who are attending Institutions of Higher Education. It is ACOA’s hope that these scholarships will help reduce the financial impact and provide some assistance to our Members’ children who are continuing with their educational [...]

July 13th, 2020|Categories: ACOA Scholarship|

2020 Annual Meeting & Super Bowl Party

Sponsor We want to thank a couple of our Sponsors who donated or discounted items for our event. Please consider giving them your business. Corey Pass Club Paris Humdingers Gourmet Pizza Bob Redlinger Christina Wilson Art Marriott Hotel Corey Pass Club Paris Hilltop Ski Area H2Oasis Alaska Railroad Get Air Seward Sea Life Center Christina Wilson Art Marriott Hotel Humdingers Gourmet Pizza Bob [...]

March 27th, 2020|Categories: Super Bowl and Annual Meeting|

2022 Legislative Shoot

THE EVENT Each member of the 3-person team will compete at the Juneau Gun Club Range. Shooting stations include handguns, shotguns, .22 rifles and archery. EVENT DATE & TIMES Saturday, March 26, 2022 @ .5 Montana Creek Road Bulls-Eye Breakfast: 8:00 am, Lunch will also be provided Optional Range Instruction: 8:00 am - 9:00 am The Legislative Shoot: 9 am - 3 pm. WHO’S INVITED Legislators, Governor’s Office, Lt. Governor’s [...]

March 10th, 2020|Categories: The Legislative Shoot|
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