

ACOA is in the midst of arbitrating a record number of grievances. We just finished a three-day termination arbitration last week and will be averaging almost one arbitration every three weeks for the rest of the year. Not only are we out of the office on the actual days the arbitrations are held, but the week before we are preparing and after the arbitration preparing the final briefs. In addition, [...]

March 7th, 2014|Categories: ACOA News|Tags: |

8’s – Oral Arguments

The assigned Judge in the 8’s case has scheduled oral arguments for May 13th. This delay is disappointing for many reasons. Most concerning is that it allows for three more months of this dangerous work schedule and then, if the Court rules in our favor, the additional time it takes the DOC to return to the 12 hour schedule. This delay puts everyone at additional risk of serious injury or [...]

March 7th, 2014|Categories: Fighting the Eights|

New Lieutenant Positions

Please do not hesitate to apply for one of these positions if, after considering the compensation and other aspects of the position, you still want to apply. Whether or not moving to one of these positions will be a good financial move is still uncertain, but please do not pass up the opportunity thinking anyone will think poorly of you. The State is creating these positions and placing them in [...]

March 7th, 2014|Categories: ACOA News|Tags: |

Lawsuit Filed Against Commissioner Schmidt & Director Brandenburg

Officers Pepper Sprayed Officers Randy McLellan, Donnette Weeks, Chris Dyer, William Hester and Nevine Zaki were assaulted with pepper spray. In short, the Commissioner and Director used government resources to punish the ACOA President for speaking out for the membership. No Law Enforcement group, whether it be Police Officers, Troopers, or Correctional Officers, can allow its fellow Officers to be pepper sprayed for political reasons. A Commissioner cannot be allowed [...]

January 30th, 2014|Categories: ACOA News|

ACOA Update – DOC has Officers OC’d

  This email was sent on January 28,2014.   Correctional Officers, By now most of you know that Management demoted ACOA President Randy McLellan, and then singled him and the members of his shift out to be assaulted with OC. His demotion and the OC assault on his shift are only two recent events in Management’s five year retaliatory vendetta against Randy in response to his speaking out on health, safety, [...]

January 29th, 2014|Categories: ACOA News|
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