
2/2/2015 Finance Sub-Committee on Corrections

Hearing Video Download MP3 of Hearing (right click to download) The audio on the MP3 begins around 2:24. https://s3.amazonaws.com/elsclientstore/2147483647/2015021013-12.mp3 Hearing Documents FY2016 DOC H-FIN SubComm 02-02-15 final Performance Review Presentation PowerPoint Final DOC Performance Audit

February 4th, 2015|Categories: 2015 Session|

Congratulations Governor Walker

We want to thank the many Officers across the State who worked so hard during the campaign.  If it weren’t for all of you we would never be where we are today. Governor Walker spent long hours during and after the campaign discussing the issues facing our Department with Officers as they held signs, attended events, and volunteered in the campaign office. We are extremely appreciative for the time he [...]

December 16th, 2014|Categories: Homepage, Political Action Committee|

Fellow Officer in Need

Below is a letter concerning one of our own, Sergeant Steve Moffett. This request to Officers is not normal or easy, but for a man who has walked the toughest beat for 26 years, we will make an exception to etiquette and ask it anyway. Officers, As Correctional Officers you deal with every type of situation imaginable, from keeping peace between violent offenders to donating leave to help an injured [...]

September 23rd, 2014|Categories: Homepage, In the Community|
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