
HB 11 – RIP for Public Employees/ Teachers

"An Act relating to retirement incentives for members of the defined benefit retirement plan of the teachers' retirement system and the defined benefit retirement plan of the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska; and providing for an effective date." For more information or to follow HB11 click here (This will take you to the Legislature's webpage for this bill).

February 19th, 2015|Categories: 2017-2018, Legislation|

Senate Confirmation Hearings for Commissioner Taylor

Hearing Videos Commissioner Taylor is the first Commissioner heard in the confirmation hearing. Go to 15:22 of the hearing to listen to Senator Stoltze recognizing and addressing the safety concerns of Officers. Thank you Senator. Download MP3 of Hearing (right click to download) http://www.acoa.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/2015021247-12.mp3

February 18th, 2015|Categories: 2015 Session, Homepage|
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