
Potential Statewide Wage Freeze

On Wednesday, April 1 (not an April fool’s joke), the Senate Finance Subcommittee put forward an amendment to the State Operating Budget. The amendment, linked below, would essentially “not fund” the monetary terms of any of the State’s 14 bargaining agreements for fiscal year 2016. What this would translate to is a State-wide wage freeze for all State employees starting July 1, 2016. The new amendment/s were not in the House [...]

April 2nd, 2015|Categories: 2015 Session, Homepage|

Legislative Update

As you all know, Correctional Officers have some extremely important irons in the fire right now. We have been in constant contact with the Governor, Commissioner, Legislators, and their respective staffs as we continue to deal with the issues before us. I know you have not received much information and I also know everyone is very anxious how things are going, but you all have been great in letting us focus on our [...]

March 27th, 2015|Categories: 2015 Session, Homepage|
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