
Suicide at Spring Creek

No doubt you are all aware that on Monday afternoon a woman shot herself at Spring Creek about an hour before shift change. Several Correctional Officers and the Spring Creek nurse administered aid; however the head wound was extensive and the woman died after being taken to the hospital. The Officers who responded to this incident were in real danger. We all know it is not uncommon for a suicidal [...]

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Current Issues, Homepage|

CPOF – Project 2000 XXVI

Each year the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation (CPOF) hosts a National Memorial Ceremony for Fallen Correctional Officers. This year some of the event  is going to be streamed live at https://livestream.com/accounts/8724178. You'll have to set up a free account on livestream if you would like to watch.   CPOF Event Flier   About CPOF "The Correctional Peace Officers (CPO) Foundation is a national, non-profit charitable organization created in 1984. Its [...]

June 18th, 2015|Categories: Announcements, Homepage|

2015 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

Thank you guys for participating in this great event (they never looked so good)! The team of Officers surpassed their goal of $1300 and raised $1850 to combat sexual assault. The Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event is put on annually by STAR (Standing Together Against Rape). We encourage any interested Officer to join this event, strap on some high heels, and raise money to help prevent sexual assault [...]

Funeral Scheduled for Fallen Officer

On April 3, 2015 Officer Thomas (TJ) Kobel was killed in an auto accident while driving south on the Glen Highway. TJ is survived by his wife Lindie Kobel who also sustained serious injuries in the crash. TJ was on Shift 1 at the Goose Creek Correctional Center. Despite the fact that TJ had only been with the Department a short time, he had already earned the respect of his [...]

April 10th, 2015|Categories: Announcements, Homepage|
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