To find your personal Legislator, use the link below (from the Alaska Division of Elections website)

Find Your Legislators

Below you will find your institution’s Legislators and the DOC Finance Sub-Committee members. Legislators will listen to your concerns if you live in their District, but the Legislators that have a prison in their District or are on the Finance Sub-Committee dealing with Corrections also need to be informed on the issues within Corrections and the concerns of Correctional Officers statewide. Click here to see our Tips for Effective Contact Page.

This is a reminder that if you are going to write an email to your Representative and Senator, you should not send it using the State’s e-mail system either from work or from home. Using the State’s system to communicate with a Legislator on this issue could violate State policies and result in discipline.

Your Institution’s Legislator…

Facility District Representative Senator
Anchorage 18 I David Nelson Loki Tobin
Anvil Mountain 39 T Neal Foster Donald Olson
Fairbanks 31 P Maxine Dibert Scott Kawasaki
Hiland Mountain 23 L Jamie Allard Kelly Merrick
Ketchikan 1 A Jeremy Bynum Bert Stedman
Lemon Creek 4 B Sara Hannan Jesse Kiehl
Mat-Su Pre-trial 25 M DeLena Johnson Shelley Hughes
Palmer 29 O George Rauscher Mike Shower
Goose Creek 30 O Kevin McCabe Mike Shower
Spring Creek 5 C Louise Stutes Gary Stevens
Wildwood 8 D Bill Elam Jesse Bjorkman
Yukon-Kuskokwim 38 S Nellie Unangik Jimmie Lyman Hoffman

Finance Sub-Committees on Corrections

Feel free to contact any of these Legislators at anytime regardless if you are a constituent of not.  These are the people that deal with the DOC throughout the Legislative Session.

Senate Finance Sub-Committee on Corrections Session Interim
Sen. Jesse Kiehl 465-4947 465-4947
Sen. Scott Kawasaki 465-3466 456-7423
Sen. Löki Tobin 465-3704 269-0169
Sen. David Wilson 465-3878 376-4866